I am an award winning multi-disciplinary Art Director with 11 years' experience working in Paris, London, Lisbon
VaNgUaRd TV commercial
TaCo BelL Global Social & Stunts
mAyhEw Awareness Campaign
PEleToN Social Campaign
KrAkeN rUm 360 campaign activation
SiA Interactive
nOw Tv Digital Outdoor
rTe Digital
pErcE nEiGe Advertising
pErcE nEiGe 50 YeArs Awareness Campaign
AcCor HotElS Advertising
fNsF Advertising
mErcUre Experiential
aMunDi Advertising
fRanCe AlzHeiMer Awareness Campaign
WwF Pro Active
I've been very lucky to collaborate & work alongside amazing people for 11 years. Working with talented people to propose strong & smart creative solutions for clients who are brave enough and have the motivation to see their brand reach the top.